Garden noise – how to deal with noise pollution

We would all love a peaceful tranquil place to sit outside in

But humans are rather a noisy bunch sadly and so you end up with a garden noise. So how do you notice the noise less, and feel more relaxed even if the world around you may not be? This issue is especially important in urban areas when gardens are smaller and usually surrounded by sometime noisy neighbours.

Tune out the garden noise

Fortunately, we have the ability to tune out sounds if we are distracted enough. But when you go outside to sit in the garden, if there are too few distractions in the garden, you simply notice the noises outside.

Humans are blessed with 5 senses, taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. Too much emphasis is placed on the visual elements.

The part of the garden you sit in the most needs filling with plants that will hold your attention. So plants that you can touch, taste, smell, look at and listen to. Fortunately, we have created some landscaping ideas, helping you tune out that garden noise.

Then when you do sit down you can let your senses filter out the background noises. Water features are lovely too, but gentle trickling water sounds can be a distraction of another kind. So choose wisely!

Visit the shop

Visit the designs shop for lots of pre-designed planting ideas to help distract from the noise outside. There are tall swishy borders, and soft tactile plantings and all are bee friendly too.