Garden Art

Cool Stuff we just like

Cool and Amazing Garden Art

We all love a bit of garden eye candy, so we hope you enjoy these pictures of cool and amazing garden art ideas we just love.

PlantPlots is packed with lots of amazing garden designs, advice and planting ideas. Our aim is to make gardening and your garden easier. But if you just have 5 minutes and you want to scroll through some fun garden ideas, we hope you enjoy these images.

Click any of the buttons below to scroll to galleries

PlantPlots design service is just perfect if…

  • You want to make your garden better; but don’t know how
  • The garden is an awkward shape
  • It’s your first-ever garden
  • You’ve seen lots of pictures you love – but aren’t sure it would work in your garden!
  • You only want help with part of the garden

Beautiful Garden Art Ideas:

Natural Art Ideas

Sometimes you don’t need a design, you just want professional advice to sort out part of the garden.

Book a 30 minute design consultation.

Helping you make your garden better

minute design consultation

Fun Garden Art

Garden Sculpture

Eco Friendly Ideas

Perfect Flowers

Sometimes you don’t need a design, you just want professional advice to sort out part of the garden.

Book a 30 minute design consultation.

Helping you make your garden better

minute design consultation