Are we safe!

Are we a safe place to visit?


However, the ‘powers that be’ have determined that due to the unwanted activities of Trolls, Hackers, Nasty Governments, Spotty Bored Teenagers who can’t think of anything else better to do and other automated ‘Bots’  – all sites should convert to an HTTPS location.

And yes we are an HTTPS: site.

However, if hackers are capable of stealing millions of data bytes from even the most secure sites of some major international companies; it is always better to always use a different password for every site you use – which is tedious but helps keep your data more secure.

Here are the Terms and Conditions for you to read:

Here is our Privacy Policy and how we store and manage your data 

Cookie Policy

And here’s what we do…

Do we ask you to enter any personal details on our site?

You enter your names, address, email and phone number in the checkout. You can sign up as a user for which you enter a password too (which we don’t see obviously).

So please make sure you enter a secure password that isn’t the same one you use for your bank accounts, Facebook accounts, email logins and other important logins.

The website is hosted via a server and they have lots of anti-spy stuff and other weapons in their armoury to keep the bored spotty teenagers at bay!

If you buy our designs (& thank you by the way)

You are redirected to pay via STRIPE – which has all the HTTPS security you need.

We also have to comply with the GDPR rules that come into force in May this year – read more

Hopefully, that covers it…

Thank you


The Boss

(who as you have probably correctly concluded is not an inter-web techie!)